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Instructions for the Thesis


You can change the language of the interface from the top right corner of the page: FI-EN-SV. Instructions for the interface can be found behind the question mark icon, categorized by roles.

1.    Make sure that the correct study right is selected from the menu that appears when you click on your username.
2.    Create a topic proposal, which will open a pop-up window.
3.    Fill in the required information in the fields: If you are working on the thesis in pairs, select your partner's name from the dropdown menu. Please note that you can only add your partner during the topic proposal phase. The coordinator cannot assign your supervisor until both of you have approved the topic in Wihi.
4.    Note! If you know who your supervisor is, write it visibly at the beginning of a field, so the coordinator can directly assign your work to the correct supervisor.
5.    When you are ready to submit the topic proposal to the coordinator, select "Submit." If you still want to make changes to the proposal later, you can save it as a draft. 
6.    If the title of your work becomes more specific later, remember to update it in Wihi.

Once the coordinator has assigned your supervisor, the progress of your work will be carried out through Wihi. Discussions and attachments are saved in Wihi. Wihi will send email notifications to both the supervisor and the student regarding system-stored documents and messages. You can proceed to the next steps once your supervisor approves the stages.

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