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Writing instructions

These guidelines for writing are used in all the schools of VAMK, University of Applied Sciences.

The order of the parts

The order of the parts of the thesis. In the exercises, follow the teacher's instructions and remove extra pages from the template.

  • cover page
  • table of contents
  • text chapters
    • for example, Introduction, Background, Results, Conclusions
  • reference list
  • attachments

In the template, the order is ready.

Cover page

The cover has the Vaasa University of Applied Sciences logo centered at the top of the page

The names of the author and the work are centered in the middle of the page.

First name Last name (font size 14)
TITLE OF THE THESIS (font size 22)
Possible subtitle (e.g. Case, font size 14)

The unit and year are centered at the bottom of the page.

Unit (e.g. Business Economics, Technology and Communication, font size 14)

Kuva kansilehdestä. Ylimpänä VAMK-logo, sivun keskiosassa tekijöiden ja työn nimet ja sivun alareunassa yksikkö ja vuosi.


The top of the page

Name of the Degree Programme (font size 12)

Always use the official name of your degree programme (the official name in degree programmes instructed in Finnish is in Finnish)

Heading is all caps font size 14 ABSTRACT.

In the beginning of the abstract:

  • Author
  • Title of the thesis
  • Year
  • Language
  • Pages
  • Name of Supervisor

The title of the thesis in the abstract is spelled the same way, e.g. This is What a Good Title Looks Like.

There is a dash before the beginning of the abstract text.

The abstract text

The abstract is written here using single spacing. The abstract should briefly state the background, aim, material and methods, as well as results and conclusions of the thesis.

The abstract is written in complete sentences. Telegram style is not used, do not use underlines, italics or thinning. It is good to divide the text into paragraphs for readability, for example according to the following formula:

  • The first paragraph briefly describes the background of the research and the research problem as well as the task of the research.
  • The second paragraph briefly describes the research's theoretical framework, key concepts, methods and research material used in the research.
  • The third paragraph briefly presents the research's key findings and results, as well as key conclusions and interpretations.

There is a dash after the abstract text.


Finally, on the abstract page are the keywords. You should search for keywords through the General Finnish Ontology (YSO). The use of YSO is justified, as it has been founded on the basis of concepts in Finnish cultural sphere. As an indexing tool it is best applicable when indexed material is interdiscliplinary and its themes vary to a great extent. It helps the writer to use concepts in such a way that their meaning remains consistent and unified. The purpose of the keyword is not to identify, but to connect the thesis to a group of others dealing with the same topics. Add 4–5 keywords to the work.

Kuvakaappaus opinnäytteen tiivistelmäsivuista.

Contents list

Use the template and its pre-entered heading styles. When the heading has been formatted using the styles, the contents page can be updated by clicking on the contents page and choosing ”update field”  and then by choosing ”update entire table”.


A new chapter is started on a new page. Each chapter should have at least two subtitles. In addition, each chapter should contain at least two para-graphs and a paragraph should contain at least three sentences.


Appendices include information that is not essential to understand the matter being discussed but is referred to in the text. All figures, tables and lists that demonstrate the contents of the thesis but are too big in size or lesser in importance to be integrated in the text are marked as appendices. The questionnaires or interview questions used are also placed in the appendices. They are numbered with a running number. The first matter found in the appendices referred to in the text is then Appendix 1, the next one Appendix 2. If there are many appendices, a list is drawn up and placed after the contents page.

You can enclose as appendices for example a questionnaire used in the study or other material that is related to the study. Material that the client wished to classify can be enclosed as an appendix; in this case, the appendix is not included in the published version submitted to Theseus or in the hardbound version.


Examples of contents of the thesis

Type of thesis Example of the contents
  1. Introduction
  2. Background, research problem(s) and purpose of the research
  3. The theoretical frame of reference
  4. Research methodology
  5. Results
  6. Conclusions and discussion
    • discussing the results
    • ethical questions
    • reliability of the results
  • References
  • Appendices
  1. Introduction
  2. Background and purpose of the project
  3. Theoretical background
  4. Approach and implementation
  5. The outcome of the project
  6. Conclusions and discussion
    • assessment of the phases of the project and resource management
    • keeping the schedule, utilising the results of the project and assessment
    • continuation of the project and most important new ideas
    • conclusions
  • References
  • Appendices
Development project
  1. Introduction
  2. Needs analysis and description of the present state
  3. Theoretical background
  4. Description of the development process
  5. Description of the development operations
  6. Description of the results of the development
  7. Conclusions and assessment
    • reliability
    • usability
    • transferability
    • conclusions
  • References
  • Appendices
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